Our second reading will place on Wedneday, July 10 at 8 p.m. EST via Zoom. In the one-hour reading, Chen Chen and Molly Zhu will read new poems, and we will ask them some of your submitted questions. Sign up for the reading here.

Chen Chen is the author of two books of poetry, Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency and When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities, both published by BOA Editions. He teaches for the low-residency MFA programs at New England College, Stonecoast, and Antioch.

Molly Zhu is a Chinese-American poet and attorney. Her work appears in Hobart Pulp, the Ghost City Press, and Bodega Magazine, among others. The poetry editor of Passengers Journal, she is the winner of the 2021 Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Prize for her debut chapbook, Asian American Translations (Cordella Press).

Our second reading will place on August 8 at 8pm EST via Zoom. In the one-hour reading we will hear new poems read by Rae Armantrout and Francis de Lima as well as bothered them with some questions. Sign up for the reading here.

Rae Armantrout is a winner of the Pulitzer Prize and The National Book Critics Circle Award (for Versed, Wesleyan 2010). Her most recent book is Finalists (Wesleyan 2022). Her 2018 book, Wobble, was a finalist for the National Book Award. Her other books with Wesleyan include Partly: New and Selected Poems, Just Saying, and Money Shot. A new book, Go Figure, and a chapbook, Notice, are forthcoming in 2024.

Francis de Lima is a Finnish-Brazilian poet and translator, currently living in the UK. They are completing their undergrad at Royal Holloway, focusing on the intersections between class, ecology, and poetry. They’ve collaborated extensively, mainly with Finnish underground artists, on projects like art books, albums, and performances at venues ranging from concert halls to backyards.

Our inaugural reading took place on April 18 at 8pm EST via Zoom. In the one-hour reading we heard new poems read by Bob Hicok and Leigh Chadwick as well as bothered them with some questions. You can watch it here.

Bob Hicok is the author of Water Look Away (Copper Canyon Press, 2023). He has received a Guggenheim, two NEA Fellowships, the Bobbitt Prize from the Library of Congress, nine Pushcart Prizes, and was twice a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. His poems have appeared in nine volumes of the Best American Poetry.

Leigh Chadwick is the author of numerous poetry collections, including Your Favorite Poet (Malarkey Books, 2022) and Sophomore Slump (Malarkey Books, 2023). Her poetry has appeared in The Massachusetts Review, Salamander, Passages North, Identity Theory, and Pithead Chapel, among others. She is currently at work on a YA romance novel set around the Donner Party.