Our literary magazine was founded on Leonard Cohen’s 89th birth anniversary on September 21, 2023. We are poets obsessed with the ways in which poetry can both break you and build you up. Welcome to this little corner of the internet where we can sing into the void and remember that poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.
There are so many ways to delight in poetry. We are a bit obsessive — when we like a poem, we immediately want to see more of the poet’s work. Most literary magazines we love follow a poem-a-day model, focusing on the singular poetic spark. We invite poets to lay before us a small galaxy — show us the blackholes and supernovas, the many moons and solar flares of their work.
We are committed to fostering a platform that showcases intellectual exploration, artistic innovation, and sociocultural inclusivity.
We publish emerging poets alongside established poets.
We believe all poets should be paid for their work.
We are invested in developing and providing more valuable resources to positively contribute to the poetry community and literary world at large. Please see below and explore our website to discover more of what we’re doing towards this goal.
We are an independently funded online literary magazine. If you are in a position to do so, please consider signing up for a membership!