People talk about flowers 
all the time just like 
they talk about nuns
and pianos but hardly 
anyone can explain exactly 
what they are for
how exactly they work
do they choose to go 
into the cloister
and become a certain 
hue the sun can pass 
through attracting notes 
that come from a wire
struck by a wooden hammer
or did they hear
a voice once or for many 
years that said if you 
focus all your love 
on this single blade 
that doesn’t 
feel anything something 
will fly by and touch
your keys with powder 
on its wings and make 
music only you were 
destined to hear 
in the meadow when 
you hear it stay there 
and wait your calyx 
will open it’s true
when it does no 
matter what they say
there will still be time
for just a little while 
keep that music 
for yourself


I take my book of spells 
that don’t work 

and my silent megaphone
outside at lunchtime 

and scream at the sky,
I am leaving

my job as assistant 
caretaker of everything 

that will only matter
after it has been approved

by the standing committee 
of associate ghouls

that never meets,
their silent laughter

around a circular table
wanders into the chapel

then makes the endless 
fountain of bylaws

bend while the statue 
of the founder watches,

we all know he will rise
one day and meet us

where we are
to destroy us,

when I leave I will take 
all the empty manila folders

that held twilight’s forbidden thoughts
and this crying bowl

someone else’s mentor
handed to me the day 

I crossed the cobalt 
oblivion river,

I will burn my parchment
outside the new recreation facility

then go live 
with my green ache

on a very low hill that does not 
look down on anyone.


lots of poets 
speak to the dead
or so they say
but who dies
on purpose 
so she can speak
to the living
who gives
one last breath
back to the world
then stays
some time longer
to speak in the ear
of one who loved her
or maybe just us
her recorders
I don’t know 
whether ghosts feel
that’s a subject 
for the mystic
I am not
I want to know
what is past feeling
only for myself
a silver taste
appears in my mouth
so I drift away
to the pages
the death poems 
I join them again
she spoke
one last time
into our ears
then without sentiment
went elsewhere


I couldn’t get the copier to work
so I stared at it like a monolith

stares at an ape wishing 
it would use the tools

provided for its evolution
outside the birds divide the spoils 

regarded by some squirrels nobly 
paired in colloquy 

on a promontory the lions
outside the abandoned library 

guard archaic enthusiasm
you can only touch 

under a green lamp 
with authenticated eyes

poems are so strange 
it seems no one needs them 

but really we die
in our own hearts 

someone is always just about to have written
their eyes dispensing

tears of hilarity
the final beam of sunlight 

has wandered onto my forehead


The phone rings
and someone tells you
another great poet died.

Now you have to tell
sleep it has lost
its most curious denizen.

Most of the world
doesn’t know 
it’s a death mask

in a glass case.
One cloud says
I was the one

who taught her
you can start
anywhere and end up

explaining everything.
Another replies
you were just 

her apprentice
of resembling.
Yes it’s true

you can read her book
and still find 
the door to the past

and yes the war
survived her
but not her poems

secretly continuing
the work of wondering
all the wrong things.


When I was a child I used to read 
such long books summer went on forever
my room was filled with trees
a blue river flowed above me at night
I was surrounded by a yellow house
I did not yet know the difference between silences
in the longest one a king could never be killed 
because he always rode by himself
In his palanquin, his solitude was his armor
I pronounced it in my mind
on the final page the war for the emerald 
had ended and another loomed
I can’t remember if he married the ghost 
he had seen in the park when he was a boy 
or the daughter of the relentless 
assassin patiently waiting in the sequel
when I say it now it resounds in my skull
I’m still not sure how it should sound
it’s like one of those names you see
carved into a stone in those old graveyards 
you can find in every city if you have enough time


I don’t want to hear about translucent stones
or precisely how much anyone desires 
to be near the great secret of death

or the death of the great secret
I don’t want to listen to some figure 
wearing velvet who knows flowers 

know absolutely everything
when they remorselessly distinguish themselves
from the grass then without complaint 

return to the earth
I am not really interested in truth
or understanding why I cram 

the ultimate cookie into my mouth
and later solemnly tell my son 
to be happy he’s learning a life changing lesson

by getting some raisins instead
and no I don’t care how he went to Paris 
and wrote lectures to his wife

about the immaculate art that sleeps
each night ever more uncertain than usual 
in some closed building 

and how we must learn to draw 
an abandoned bomb shelter 
only the neighborhood children remember

then enter it while those aforementioned 
flowers with their blank eyes do not regard us 
I just want to study Marina Tsvetaeva

who wrote him in a frenzy starving
she said all poets are Jews
which to me means unlike Christians 

we cannot be forgiven merely by asking
we just have to follow all the rules
and go to summer school

even in winter so our hearts 
covered in leaves can like he said 
in its green invisible walls survive