Amit Majmudar
Amit Majmudar’s new books in 2023 published in the United States are Black Avatar and Other Essays (Acre Books) and Twin A: A Memoir (Slant Books). The same year, Penguin India will publish The Book of Vows, the first of three volumes in a Mahabharata retelling, as well as an original mythological story cycle, The Later Adventures of Hanuman.
“There is no such thing as I used to love you.
Married is something lovers become in real time.
The way the sugar cube dies and gets reborn
as the coffee, the way a song touches her own face
as her composer hums in real time.”
Your success or failure as a writer, your recognition or obscurity, depends on the opinions of progressive white women (that is the subgroup that, statistically, purchases the most books, and that gatekeeps literary publishing)
October 15, 2023