Photo Credit: Savannah Lauren

Seth Leeper is a queer poet. His work has appeared in The Journal, Poet Lore, Prairie Schooner, River Styx, Salamander, and Sycamore Review. He holds an M.S. in Special Education from Pace University and B.A. in Creative Writing and Fashion Journalism from San Francisco State University. He is a candidate in the Low Residency MFA in Creative Writing Program at Randolph College. His work has been nominated for Best New Poets, Best of the Net, and Pushcart awards. He teaches drop in and virtual workshops for Brooklyn Poets. Leeper can be found on Twitter and Instagram: @sethwleeper

I’ve  learned  20  different  words  for  grief since she died and none

of them  approach  the  volume  of  visceral my body  pushes  through  each  day.

I’m currently obsessed with the idea of the soul in the body, how the soul wears the body like a suit: sometimes it fits, sometimes it’s snug, and sometimes it’s so itchy the soul just wants out of the body.

September 30, 2024

September 23, 2024

October 7, 2024