Rae Armantrout

Black and white headshot of Rae Armantrout.

Rae Armantrout is a winner of the Pulitzer Prize and The National Book Critics Circle Award (for Versed, Wesleyan 2010). Her most recent book is Finalists (Wesleyan 2022). Her 2018 book, Wobble, was a finalist for the National Book Award. Her other books with Wesleyan include Partly: New and Selected Poems, Just Saying, and Money Shot. A new book, Go Figure, and a chapbook, Notice, are forthcoming in 2024.

“What you think we’re carrying,

that is something else.”

“I hesitate to say what a poem is “about” because, as I’m writing it, I usually have no idea where it’s going. When it’s finished, I can speculate only because I know what I was looking at and generally how I was feeling when I started writing.”

November 26, 2023

November 19, 2023

December 3, 2023