Francis de Lima

Three-quarter headshot of Francis de Lima.

Francis de Lima is a Finnish-Brazilian poet and translator, currently living in the UK. They are completing their undergrad at Royal Holloway, focusing on the intersections between class, ecology, and poetry. They’ve collaborated extensively, mainly with Finnish underground artists, on projects like art books, albums, and performances at venues ranging from concert halls to backyards.

Look, I’m just trying to explain

that to be drowned is just

another form of feeling the rain

I don’t think my poems are just exercises in philosophical thought, though they are that as well. In fact, I think for me it extends somewhere much larger, where poetry becomes a thing that’s complicated enough, irreverent enough, and nebulous enough to become a philosophy in itself. Really, philosophy is framework, isn’t it? It’s a system of understanding something. I think poetry, as a way of seeing, is also a system of understanding something. That ‘something’ might resist being articulated as clearly (or obscurely) as philosophy would, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Poetry as a kind of phenomenology.

March 10, 2024

March 3, 2024

March 17, 2024