with Shannan Mann


$75 — Saturday, February 8 @ 12 PM EST / 9 AM PST / 11 AM CST / 5 PM BST

2 Hours via Zoom + feedback from instructor via Zoom

Overview of the Workshop

No, editors aren’t all prudes or anti-romantics who don’t want your passionate poetry. And yes, readers are dirty as heck and would love to read more exciting and authentic love and sex poems. This workshop will help you craft a set of love and sex poems that are true to who you are while also focusing on how to get them out into the world.

Learn the hot and heavy history of the love/sex poem

  • Discuss how love and/or sex in poetry goes beyond physicality and romance

  • Learn how to shadow-write based on your favorite poet’s work in order to maximize creativity and inspiration

  • Transform drafts through an exercise in focalization

  • Understand the editorial “Machine” concept and build a personal glossary and thesaurus for your set of love and sex poems

  • Leave with six new poems in six different forms.

Extensive feedback will be provided over email for one poem produced during the workshop.

Instructor Bio

Shannan Mann is the Founding Editor of ONLY POEMS. She has been awarded or placed for the Palette Love & Eros Prize, Rattle Poetry Prize, Auburn Witness Prize, Foster Poetry Prize, among others. Her poems appear in Poetry Daily, Black Warrior Review, Missouri Review, Poet Lore, Gulf Coast, The Literary Review of Canada, EPOCH, december, & elsewhere. She is the Poet Laureate’s pick for Exile. Her essays appear in Tolka Journal and Going Down Swinging; they have been awarded the Alta Lind Cook Prize and the Irene Adler Essay Prize. She also translates Sanskrit poetry.