Reading Period: March 1—April 30

$3000 — Winner

$500 x 4 FINALISTS

Poet of the Year: Sydney Mayes

Runners-Up: Nome Emeka Patrick & xochi quetzali cortland

Honorable Mentions: Tara Mesalick MacMahon & Tom Snarksy


Indie lit is full of award-winning poems while awards for poets are reserved mostly for their books. We want to publish poets who make a home in our hearts with their voices and never leave. That’s why this poetry award is not for the single best poem but rather for the poet whose body of work we feel is or will be full of one award-winning poem after another.

The entry fee we have set is $18. This fee includes a complimentary one-year ONLY POEMS Membership (worth $99). We hope that every single poet who submits to the ONLY POEMS Prize receives more than just a contest entry. If you already have a paid subscription, we’ll add another complimentary year to that).

Our Poet of the Year will receive $3000 and a lifetime ONLY POEMS Membership.

4 Finalists will receive $500 each and a year-long ONLY POEMS Membership.

As we do with our Poet of the Week series, we will publish 3-10 poems by all five selected poets alongside extensive interviews. Publication will be between July-November of the same y ear.

Submission Guidelines

  • Your submission must be between 5-10 pages.

  • Submissions are open internationally to any poet writing in English.

  • The poems must have been previously unpublished at the time of submission.

  • Submit all your poems in a single document (.doc or .pdf). Begin each poem on a new page.

  • Do not include your name or identifying information in the document or the title of your submission.

  • We encourage simultaneous submissions. Once you’ve submitted, you are not required to withdraw any poems. Even if all the poems in your submitted packet get published, that’s fine (and so freakin’ cool!). You will not be ineligible for the Poet of the Year Prize — if we are interested in your work, we will find a way to work with you.

  • We do accept multiple submissions, but each submission must come with the reading fee. Though we do not encourage these, sometimes you might have two or three different sets of poems you’d like to try for an award and we welcome those.

  • All submissions will be considered for general publication for our Poet of the Week series.

  • We want to provide poets the opportunity to get comprehensive feedback on their work. We understand how hard it can be to receive affordable, quality feedback. If you’d like, you’re welcome to use one of the options below when making your submission. (25 slots available for each editorial feedback category — first come first serve).