Finalist for the 2024 Leonard Cohen Poetry Prize


by Imogen Osborne


Make sanctuary and observe rains. Grant peace and no one shall make you afraid. Give your enemies fruit—I will make way for the new.

[erasure from Leviticus 26]

Voices told me: go: and so I left.

(An ocean later

sanctuary opened

like the wet lungs of a choir

my lover built his home inside the old church

on Jacksonville Road)

winter told me: seek:

and so I sought

god told me: nothing:

and so I knew

newness said: make way:

and so I waited

church told us: come:

and so we came

lover told me: lie:

and so I lay

(right where the altar used to be)

lying told me: body:

I obeyed

obeying told me: pleasure:

and so I pleased

rain fell in years

each droplet saying gift gift gift against the roof

my body shook with taking

I looked for light inside your quiet mouth and found

a kiss a sanctuary for songbirds

Imogen Osborne is a writer based in Ithaca, NY. She is a recent MFA graduate of Cornell’s creative writing program and currently teaches creative writing to college students and incarcerated adults. You can find poems, stories and essays on her website.